Friday, October 15, 2021

October 10, 2021

 Next Time: UNKNOWN

NO outdoor Workshop this week. It has grown too cool.

We continue to look for an indoor venue. Who knows--maybe we can find a permanent home. Any ideas? We'd like to hear from you.

Your scribe will get the Workshop postings updated soon.


Friday, October 8, 2021

October 2, 2021

NEXT TIME: Sat., 10/9, 11am-2pm, behind McRae Rec Center (906 E. 47th St., MPLS) Weather Permitting.

Your scribe is so far behind now on posting the proceedings of the workshop for the last few weeks that it makes him a little sad. Still, the Workshop should be a go. The weather looks cloudy, but unrainy and warm.


Friday, October 1, 2021

Next Time

NEXT TIME: Sat. 10/2, 11am-2pm WEATHER PERMITTING behind McRae Rec Center (906 E. 47th St., MPLS)

The weather may or may not cooperate. The temperatures are looking good this weekend, but clouds and rain stand a good chance of wiping us out. Stay tuned. I will announce it here on Saturday morning.



3357 Yosemite Ave. S., St. Louis Park (not far from TowerLight)

Steve Clayton has generously offered his home as the site of the Workshop for this week. (We are investigating other sites as well.) Weather not a factor. Questions: contact Steve C at (952) 288-7029.