Thursday, March 30, 2023

March 25, 2023

Next Time: Sat., Apr. 1, 11am-2pm, TowerLight (3601 Wooddale Ave., St. Louis Park), in the basement theater.

Cancelled for this week due to snow. We will hope April 8 is better!

Masks in the building unless playing.

Another good crew showed up at one point or another: Sam (trumpet, trombone), Carl (trombone), Steve C (piano)(, Raphael (bass), Steve H (alto), Bill (vocals), Serdar (guitar), John (trombone), and Ari (trumpet, flugelhorn). Even Tom W stopped by to say hello.

Things began as usual with Sam's pick, this time Rosetta (II-341). Carl went blues with Two Degrees East, Three Degrees West (II-408). A little Parker was the choice of Steve C, who went with Yardbird Suite (II-433). Bill entered the fray with a vocal, opting for Just In Time (II-222). Another Parker tune was in the offing with Serdar's call, Billie's Bounce (II-44). Raphael went all porter with I Love You (I-190). Bill stuck to the Porter theme, going to a handout version of I've Got You Under My Skin. Yours truly, having just been to the Ordway that week, went with an easy swing on the ballad, I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face (III-192). Another vocal from Bill, this time Stardust (II-367). Ari decided to run with Autumn Leaves (I-39). 

We finally came back around to Sam, who surprised us with Killer Joe (II-229). Bill got in one more vocal, The Lady Is A Tramp (II-227). It was reported to your scribe after the fact that the Workshop wrapped up after two more tunes: Serdar's choice, Oleo (I-309), and Ari's option, A Night In Tunisia (I-302). 

Hope to see you at the Workshop, assuming we are not buried under another foot of snow.


1 comment:

  1. So glad to see the blog!! Hope to see you all this spring/summer!!
