Saturday, December 26, 2020

December 26, 2020

Writing today on the Feast of Stephen, the first martyr (as Good King Wenceslas reminds us, "He was stoned, dude"), and thus a day dear to your scribe. It's Boxing Day in what remains of the British Empire. For many, it's simply the day after Christmas, and here's hoping it finds you all well.

It's been far too long since there has been an installment of the Workshop Blog, and it would be surprising if anyone checks it now. It would be surprising if anyone checked it while we were up and running. Still, yours truly misses our Saturday play-along, in terms of both the music and camaraderie. With the coming vaccines, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and not just the light shining on a sign that says, "You've reached the end of the tunnel. Please proceed quietly back the way you came." So maybe in six months we can be back to our gatherings.

It's been a year since the passing of Irv Williams, and now, almost exactly a year later, the Twin Cities jazz world mourns the loss of the great Debbie Duncan. A tough way to end a tough 2020. Musicians, however, are a resilient batch, and this writer is looking forward to a burst of beautiful sound come the anniversary of our first lockdowns.

Merry Christmas, and may your New Year be an excellent one.


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