Last Monday was President's day and jazz has its own Prez, Lester Young. Celebrating Prez Day is as simple as playing jazz. On Saturday 2/21/10 we had a relatively small, dedicated turnout including Ira (also sax), Owen (accordion), Todd (trumpet), Gene (drums), Wes (tenor sax), Sam (mainly bass and a little trumpet synth today), Annie (vocals and workshop coordinator), Dick (vocals) and Tim (guitar).

The set list included "Making Whoopee," "In Walked Bud," "Dewey Square," "Einbahnstrasse," "Black Orpheus," "Always On My Mind," "Someone To Watch Over Me," "I Could Write a Book," "What Is This Thing Called Love," "Gentle Rain," "Bernie's Tune," "It Don't Mean a Thing," "More Than You Know," "When Sunny Gets Blue," "Up Jumped Spring," "Pent Up House," "If I Loved You," "Hallelujah I Love Him So," and "Peri's Scope."

Todd mentioned that he has been cataloguing the set lists and over the past four months we have played over 180 different songs without a lot of repetition. There were a few songs that have been played a half-dozen times or so in that time frame. This prompted some discussion about whether we should focus on a few songs to work up tight arrangements. More discussion to follow on that. Today, as I look at the list, most of the tunes are ones we have played before in the past two years although some only once or twice (like "Peri's Scope"). "Always On My Mind," "Dewy Square" and "Einbahnstrasse" (which may be intended to mean "One Way Street" but you'd have to ask Ron Carter) were new songs for the workshop.

There wasn't time to take photos today so I have selected photos from previous workshops featuring some of today's players. I realized that I have few photos of some- Ira, for example- and lots of photos of others and need to fix that. Anyway, in the photos we have: vocalist Dick Jacques; Tim on guitar and Sam on bass; Todd in a badly cropped photo to take out another player who wasn't here today; and finally Gene manning the drums.
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